Funny Videos of Kids Confused in Class

I love working with kids, because they are often hilarious…even when they don't mean to be.

Unfortunately, I can relate all too well to these confused little people, because the following is a true story:

My 9-year-old daughter: "Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

Me: "Why?"

9yo: "Because I saw a show with a sloth and I'm scared of sloths."

Me: "Aww, why are you scared of SLOTHS? It's not like they're REAL."

9yo: "What do you mean?? Sloths are real."

Me: "Nooo, silly girl! Sloths are MYTHICAL creatures. Like unicorns."

9yo: "OMG… MOM ! Sloths are REAL animals."

Me: "Don't tell ME . I'm a 48-year-old college graduate. I think I would KNOW if a sloth was a real animal!"

Umm…yeah, so apparently I didn't pay attention during that part of childhood where one finds out that a sloth IS, in fact, a real animal.

Needless to say, I will never live that one down.

If you haven't immediately unfollowed me, check out my collection of the funniest quips from kids, who, like me, were oh so confused.

Hope these bring you some laughs!


#1 Nothing like kids to make you feel oh so old…
#2 A real relic from the past, right there on the driveway…
#3 LOL…
#4 Too cute…
#5 A real hardship…
#6 Guess this kid wasn't really clear on what an animal shelter is LOL…
#7 Too funny…
#8 Love it…
#9 Been there, done that, kid (see sloth story at top of post!)…
#10 Potato, PoTOTo…it's all the same, right?
#11 Mind blown
#12 Sounds legit…
#13 That's not exactly how it works, kid…
#14 I happen to think "Farmer John Cheese" is a much better name…
#15 OMG…
#16 Don't ya just hate itchy nipples??
#17 Sounds about right for a 3-year-old…
#18 LOL…
#19 Oh, sweet, silly boy…
#20 LOL!!!

For more funny kids, check out "20 Times Parents Were Hilariously Roasted By Brutally Honest Kids"


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