Introducing Ethics: a Critical Thinking Approach With Readings Pdf Free


Introducing Ideals

A Critical Thinking Arroyo with Readings

Justin McBrayer and Peter Markie


Introducing Ethics

A Critical Thinking Arroyo with Readings

Justin McBrayer and Peter Markie


Introducing Ideals: A Critical Thinking Arroyo with Readings combines guiding commentary and questions with a rich pick of curtailed, carefully edited, and accessible readings on ethical theory and contemporary moral bug. This unique introduction shows students how to exercise philosophy by showtime analyzing texts--identifying ethical positions and the arguments that support them--and then evaluating the truth of those positions and the soundness of the arguments. In doing so, it provides students with a uniquely engaging introduction to ideals that besides hones their critical thinking skills.


* A unique Unit of measurement ane gives students the conceptual tools to "do" philosophy with coverage of logic, arguments, moral reasoning, and reading and writing philosophy

* Extensive coverage of the iii main areas of ethics--metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ideals--addresses bug often ignored by other texts, including ethics vs. science, moral responsibility, moral vs. legal issues, torture, terrorism, and more

* Unit and chapter introductions outline major themes and issues and explain why they affair

* Reading questions precede the essays and focus students' studying on key points, while discussion questions follow the readings and help students motion into the evaluation phase

* "Argument Reconstruction Exercises" later each reading provide practice in identifying the premises and conclusions in the essays

* An Teacher's Transmission with Exam Bank on CD is available to adopters

* A Companion Website at provides all the material contained on the CD along with pupil resources

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Introducing Ideals

A Disquisitional Thinking Approach with Readings

Justin McBrayer and Peter Markie

Tabular array of Contents

Each reading choice is followed by Reading Questions, Word Questions, and Argument Reconstruction Exercises.
Chapter 1. Introductions
Affiliate two. The Method of Philosophy
2.1 Arguments and Logic
two.ii Deductive Arguments
2.3 Inductive Arguments
ii.4 Fallacious Arguments
2.5 Conditions and Analysis
2.6 Moral Reasoning
Chapter 3. True for You, Merely Not For Me
3.1 Moral Interpretation
3.2 Doxastic Estimation
three.3 Epistemic Estimation
three.4 Semantic Interpretation
3.5 Metaphysical Estimation
Chapter 4. Reading Philosophy
4.i Determining the Thesis
4.ii Reconstructing an Argument
4.3 How to Use This Text
Chapter five. Writing Philosophy
5.1 Goal
five.two Evaluation
5.three Content
five.iv Structure
Chapter 6. Moral Facts
six.1 "Moral Nihilism," Gilbert Harmon
6.ii "Values in a Scientific World," Russ Shafer-Landau
half dozen.3 "Four Arguments against Moral Cognition," Russ Shafer-Landau
Affiliate 7. Morality and Dominance
7.1 "Does Morality Depend upon Faith?" John Arthur
7.2 "Humanistic Ethics," Kai Nielsen
7.3 "Main and Slave Moralities," Friedrich Nietzsche
7.4 "Moral Relativism," Gilbert Harman
seven.5 "Upstanding Relativism and Ethical Absolutism," Paul Taylor
Chapter eight. Moral Responsibility
8.i "The Impossibility of Moral Responsibleness," Galen Strawson
eight.2 "Freedom and Necessity," A. J. Ayer
eight.3 "Human Freedom and the Self," Roderick Chisholm
8.iv "Existentialism Is a Humanism," Jean-Paul Sartre
Affiliate ix. Why Be Moral?
9.1 "The Virtue of Selfishness," Ayn Rand
9.2 "Ethical Egoism," James Rachels
9.iii "Right and Wrong," Thomas Nagel
ix.4 "A Reconciliation Project," Gregory Kavka
Chapter 10. Value and The Proficient Life
10.i "The Meaning of Life," Richard Taylor
10.2 "The Experience Car," Robert Nozick
x.3 "What Makes Someone'southward Life Go Best," Derek Parfit
Chapter 11. Consequentialism
11.1 "Utilitarianism," John Stuart Manufacturing plant
eleven.2 "Against Moral Conservatism," Kai Nielsen
xi.3 "Some Merits of One Form of Rule-Utilitarianism," Richard B. Brandt
11.4 "Turning the Trolley," Judith Jarvis Thomson
Chapter 12. Nonconsequentialism
12.1 "Natural Constabulary," St. Thomas Aquinas
12.2 "Natural Law Ethics," Alfonso Gomez-Lobo
12.3 "The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals," Immanuel Kant
12.4 "What Makes Right Acts Right," W.D. Ross
12.5 "Hypothetical Contractarianism," John Rawls
12.6 "Non-Contractual Society: A Feminist View," Virginia Held
Affiliate 13. Virtue and Care Ethics
13.1 "Virtue," Aristotle, translated by Due west.D. Ross
thirteen.2 "Aristotle on Virtue," Rosalind Hursthouse
13.3 "Moral Saints," Susan Wolf
xiii.4 "Intendance and Context in Moral Reasoning," IMarilyn Friedman
xiii.5 "The Ideals of Care as Moral Theory," Virginia Held
Affiliate fourteen. The Moral Customs
Readings "All Animals are Equal," Peter Singer
14.2 "The Ideals of Respect for Nature," Paul Taylor
fourteen.three "Are All Species Equal?," David Schmidtz
Chapter 15. Ballgame
xv.1 "An Argument That Ballgame Is Wrong," Don Marquis
15.2 "On the Moral and Legal Condition of Abortion," Mary Ann Warren
fifteen.iii "A Defense of Ballgame," Judith Jarvis Thomson
15.4 "Caring for Women and Girls Who Are Because Abortion," Diana Fritz Cates
Chapter 16. The Environment and Sustainability
16.i "Sustainability and Intergenerational Justice," Brian Barry
16.ii "Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving Natural Environments," Thomas E. Hill, Jr.
16.iii "Do Nosotros Consume Too Much?" Marking Sagoff
16.4 "Redefining the Good Life in a Sustainable Club," Lester W. Milbrath
Chapter 17. Famine Relief
Readings "Famine, Affluence and Morality," Peter Vocaliser
17.2 "Famine Relief and the Platonic Moral Code," John Arthur
17.three "Feeding the Hungry," Jan Narveson
Chapter eighteen. Terrorism
18.1 "Terrorism: A Critique of Excuses," Michael Walzer
18.two "Is Terrorism Distinctively Wrong?" Lionel K. McPherson
eighteen.iii "The War on Terrorism and the Stop of Human Rights," David Luban
Chapter nineteen. Torture
nineteen.1 "Is Torture Ever Morally Justifiable?" Seumas Miller
19.ii "Ticking Bombs, Torture, and the Analogy with Self-Defense," Daniel J. Colina
Chapter 20. Euthanasia
Readings "Active and Passive Euthanasia," James Rachels
20.ii "Agile and Passive Euthanasia: An Impertinent Stardom?" Thomas D. Sullivan
20.iii "Self-Regarding Suicide: A Modified Kantian View," Thomas E. Hill, Jr.
20.4 "Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia," Carl B. Becker
Chapter 21. Death sentence
21.1 "Justifying Death sentence," Igor Primoratz
21.2 "The Case Against the Decease Penalty," Hugo Bedau
Chapter 22. Morality and the Law
22.i "The Harm Principle," J.S. Mill
22.ii "Morals and the Criminal Law," Patrick Devlin
22.3 "France and the Ban on the Full-Face Veil: A Philosophical Assay of the Arguments," Sarah Roberts-Cady
22.4 "Pornography, Oppression and Liberty: A Closer Expect," Helen East. Longino
22.5 "The Feminist Instance Against Pornography," Joel Feinberg
Statement Reconstruction Exercise Solutions
Reading Credits


Introducing Ethics

A Critical Thinking Approach with Readings

Justin McBrayer and Peter Markie

Writer Information

Justin P. McBrayer is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Fort Lewis College, Colorado. He is the coeditor of Skeptical Theism: New Essays (OUP, 2014), and The Blackwell Companion to the Problem of Evil (2013).

Peter J. Markie is Curators' Education Professor of Philosophy at the Academy of Missouri. He is the coeditor of Ethics: History, Theory and Gimmicky Issues (OUP, 2011).


Introducing Ethics

A Critical Thinking Approach with Readings

Justin McBrayer and Peter Markie

Reviews and Awards

"The editors have put all the tools of a successful philosopher in 1 place; they provide a logically progressive introduction that illuminates why philosophers clarify the way that we do. Unit 1 truly offers a roadmap to philosophical methodology that I can build upon in the classroom."--Daniel Deen, Florida State University

"The great strength of this text is that information technology devotes significant attention to all three aspects of ethics--metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics--and provides an excellent introduction to all three."--Jerry Wallulis, University of Southward Carolina-Columbia


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